I picks mah cotton er-ry day...Jus' so massa can say YAY!! I's keep on runnin, so I can gets mah pay!!

yikes and egads!!! so i'm totally on the fence about this whole 3-6 mafia victory at the oscar's for their song "it's hard out here for a pimp." since i lived in the m-town for 13 years, i remember when they were just local yokles making basement beats and mediocre rap songs. well, it's 2006 and their beats have improved, but the lyrics are pretty much still the same. now don't get me wrong, when "poppin' my collar" comes on, i get my folded arms-two step on, but something about this oscar win just doesn't set right with me. yes, i was cool with 3-6 when this was just a song on the radio, but now that it has been propelled into the spotlight and placed on a pedestal, i have furrowed brows. does this make me a hypocrite? i'm like-YAY!! 3-6 won!! then i'm like-BOO! 3-6 is being clowned. then i'm like-YAY! they are finally obtaining hollywood recognition and commercial success cuz they have been in this game for a minute. then i'm like-BOO! why are they being celebrated for this? i'm sayin'- why have the last few roles blacks have won for been a little questionable? halle for playing a broke-down ho...denzel for playing a corrupt cop pimpin the system and now 3-6 for singing about pimps and hos. when we are burying the competition like angela bassett in "what's love..." and mos def in "something the lord made" or denzel in "malcolm x" or "glory" or hurricane" no one has anything to say...but let a colored person act a fool, shuck and jive, or hustle and flow their way into the spotlight and BRAVO!!! ENCORE!!!! more, more, MORE!!! can't get enough...i'm tired of black folks feeling like once the "academy" or whoever recognizes them-oh, we dun got over, nah!!! not to mention, if denzel washington and will smith had to call terence howard and implore him NOT to perform that song on the show, then hmmmmmmmm.....what does that say about the critically acclaimed song? there's a reason why they did that. a reason why taraji was up there and not terence cuz, believe me, he was planning on it. oh yes, he was gonna buck-jump right along with everyone else. and what makes it worse is that monday morning is a joke for 3-6. every radio station, every news team and interviewer has a barrel o' jokes about this song. diane sawyer on Good Morning America had her 2 cents, bill paxon on regis and kelly couldn't resist mentioning it 3 times during his interview as everyone laughed hysterically. (his new show on HBO is about him being in a polygamous situation with 3 women) the dj's on the radios are playing their acceptance speech and saying things like "what are they saying?" "i can't understand these negroes" and "can someone go get cuba to help translate?" what a joke! and i feel so torn cuz i feel their happiness, their win, their progress, but why do we have to be SO happy to accept any scrap the powers that be throw in our direction? we're so happy to be accepted that we don't even care what it's for....
i'm looking at tv this morning and listening to the critics who are laughing at them...just whoopin' it up using the song title as a new catch phrase and celebrating like they just found the new sleep-n-eat and man tan n'em. i just decided that i'm not on the fence anymore...i'm saddened by this and its implications. damn, we have soooooo much more to offer than half-naked hoochies, platinum/diamond grills and glorified sob stories.
p.s. why is everyone saying it's the "biggest upset" that crash won for best picture? that movie was brilliant, very in-your-face about race relations, which we keep trying to sweep under the rug (whole 'nother topic). so brokeback mountain didn't win that award, but it won for something. sorry if i don't feel bad that a film that upholds cheating on your wife by carrying on a secret gay love affair got "robbed." now, i don't have any problem against anyone's sexual preference, but that storyline runs a little too parallel to the one of the biggest reasons why black women are dying from AIDS (#1 for ages 24-35)-at least those who got it from their husbands, boyfriends and fiances who are doing just what the brokeback cowboys were doing. for the women who KNOW what's going on in their relationship(s), keep themselves at risk and don't get tested...but especially those who DON'T know and fall victim to someone else's lie, i don't feel for that movie or it's cast.
i'm tired of black folks runnin' to the table for their crumbs, tired of listening to the jokes and innuendos, tired of people runnin' away from the real issues in our community, and tired of being overlooked for greatness-only to be celebrated for foolishness.
i'm just in a funk about the whole thing...what do you think?
I just want to know if you're trying to make us all go blind with that tiny ass font?
shawn-u smart azz u!!!!!! does someone needs bifocals? lol...i changed it...so hopefully it's better now
OMG! I am so happy I am not the only black person in the world that isn't sure how I should feel about this. A family member called me last night screaming that they won and I was just like uh, oh ok! I said all the other good soundtracks that are out there for great music by African-Americans and this is what will stand as our moniker for years to come. Some people get too tied up in the "Its a black win!" hoopla than to pay attention to what message we are sending to the rest of the world! Just my opinion!
Good post! You know what Miss A, It's not hard out here for a pimp! The world loves and ignorant, stupid, tacky ass pimp! It's hard out here for an intelligent and respectable person of African descent! It makes me sick just writing about it. F*ck Hollywood!
The acedemy only wants to see us black folks act a fool!
I don't watch award shows anyways because these nominees and winners are picked from a committe of people. I am willing to pay money that the majority of them are not close to my race or not my gender.
It's a shame that we think we are doing something once "they" give us any attention.
Well as John stewart said it just got easier for a pimp LOL
Amen to this WHOLE post...
I am not mad at Three 6 mafia at all... they are just doing them. That is what they have always done. Like I have said all over the web today, I am mad that this is what the academy recognizes black folks for...
You cant tell me that when jon stewart started laughing after they accepted their award that the whole audience wasnt laughing with him nervously wondering what the fukk he was gonna say...
When he said pimping just got easier, they all fell the fukk out cause they all wanted to laugh the whole time but couldnt do so in a politically correct way prior to his comment...
Booo to the academy.
I believe the fact that both Brokeback Mountain and Crash were nominated was monumentous. 10 years earlier and these movies would not have even gotten any love from the Academy. This shows that at least some people are willing to take heed and recognize the issues related to underrepresented groups.
I do believe however that the Academy should have been recognizing our accomplishments in film. Blacks and other groups have been playing awesome roles before Denzel and Hallie yet very few of them have even been recognized. Thats why I do not even watch the Oscars. They are so biased against people of color. Don Cheadle should have won something for Hotel Rwanda last year but he did not.
@ the l-well, your opinion is right on the money, missy!!!
@ stephen-well, after revisiting dead prez this weekend, i'd have to remix their song radio freq, 'cept make it for television "turn off the tv...turn off that bullsh*t"
@ ladynay-i could go on and on........and on, you're so right
@ honey-libra-i am so glad i missed this debacle!!
@ prodigal-see, i am so glad i was asleep...but i dont know whats worse, how the audience and host clowned them last night or how they are getting SUPER clowned today - what a tragedy
@ talkshow-nah, you're not alone. great minds think alike!! :-D
@ epsilonicus-good point...mr. cheadle has been long overdue..he just joins the long list *smh*
**clapping** I couldn't have said it better myself. For a minute, I thought I was the only black person who was not excited for them. I was apalled at their performance, attire, and acceptance speech. The Academy probably thinks they've done their good black deed for the decade...like throwing a dog a bone. Disgusting!!
My eyes thank you so much for the font increase. :-)
I think you said it all. it's a shame that pimpin and hoing is the standard you have to live down to to win an award.
Just imagine if Terrance had gone on stage to perform.
I totally agree with You Miss A. I wrote about the same thing. This makes me sad that folks think we are denying our "blackness" if we aren't happy they won.
@ singlemom- and three-six was his name-O!!! lol
@ shawn-ur most welcome...and i actually pictured it...perm wig and all. thank heavens he didn't-GASP!
@ ms. na-hey, i do it all the time...lol
I too am on the fence, but I mentioned elsewhere, I'm not surprised that they won. I am even less surprised by the reaction. You hit the nail on the head. They want to see us pimpin and hoin'. That's one of the reasons I've never really gotten into award shows.
Yeah as I commented on AIds being the #1 killer of african american women in america..its a sad day...and a nucca got me bent if he think I'm gonna settle for that DL shit or any type shit I feel puts my health and life in jeopardy..feel me A?
Love the Issac Hayes Video...what yo young butt no about it....LOL?
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