Blizzard '06 and All Kinds of Negrocity
IG'NANCE OF THE DAY:: "We would be on the slopes and wouldn't even have any skis. Black folks would be out there in they church shoes!" - Cedric the Entertainer from The Original Kings of Comedy
HA!!! and speaking of the darker nation doing things a little unorthodoxly, i must speak on the blizzard we experienced the other night. It really sucked to have to shovel and de-ice cars, walkways, steps, etc. nonetheless, there was a silver lining to the snow capped cloud of Blizzard ' imbecilic neighbors. first things first - we got 26.9 inches of snow. every channel had been force-feeding the public about the upcoming weather for at least a week and what to expect. Home Depot had a 50% off sale on all snow related merchandise like shovels and snow-blowers. this was not a game...hence my utter confusion and laughter when last night, i witnessed my neighbor digging around over 2 feet of snow with a Tennis Racket.
People, 2 feet of snow is NO JOKE!!!! especially when other people around you are trying to dig their way out and are piling more snow around your property or car to make way for themselves...but a tennis racket?!??! no wonder why he kept jumping in and out of the corolla watching as normal people shoveled and spread ice-melter...he was probably in awe of the simplicity of doing things while using common sense. i'm sure his eyes were itching and his mouth was burning, just DYING to ask me to use my shovel, ice-scraper or my ice melt mixture...but i guess he learned his lesson when he asked for a jump that last he toiled away like an anorexic serena williams lost in the freshly fallen snow - racket, windbreaker and all.
then mine eyes were privy to the show that started my monday off with a good gut-busting laugh...watching this fool navigate out of his parking space over the now ice that he couldn't chip away with his racket yesterday. of course, he managed to wiggle his way in front of my car and get stuck on an ice patch, so i could not move as i watched him burn the last few treads of his tires away. i guess he got tired of going nowhere and i'm sure he noticed my cold stare, so here come the minions, his ashy wife and sister-one with a wire hanger and the other with some type of tribal artifact - no doubt to chip away at the ice. i almost died laughing at the vision of these fools, one just poking the ice with the tip of a hanger and the other breaking the wooden boobs off of somebody's ancestral likelihood. now the gods are probably all awry and spinning on another axis due to the violation of this statue...which i'm sure will result in a tribal ceremony tonight to beg for forgiveness....nonetheless, i was glad to be able to see the spectacle that i will call Nigs in the Blizz '06.
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U know what Miss A....I am so glad that I got to the see the spectacle of New Year's Weekend O5' myself or it would be hard for me to believe what u r saying. Your neighbors r truly a trip and I am so sure they have many more to come...After all they started off the new year with a Bang!!! LOL
candy-HA HA HA!!! you are did get to witness the buffoonery of my neighbors, so you know i'm keepin it real!!!! i swear, they give me good material...if i only had my own show....cuz when its happening, this ish really isn't funny!! and for the record-New Year's holds the title of CELEBRATION '06, not New Year's 05...get it right, shorty!!!!
I think I would like the I mean where I live now we have snow but not a blizzard...and ya neighbors are fired..I wont them to stop the shenangians..right right now!!!
LMAO! OK, so you are hilarious! I live in Wisconsin so I am plenty used to the mess that is winter. But your neighbors sound like some people I have come across. Like the weather man's warning wasn't good enough you thought you would test him and see if he was reeeeally telling the truth!
yaz-as much as they irk me, the shenanigans are like free entertainment!!
the l-i dont know if they are stuck in their own homeland ignorance, but i must say, they do things that crack me the hell up!!! lol
I'm just reading don't mind me...:)
I'm so glad that we got spared from the snow in Chicago.
Being from Boston, I SNOW all about it when it comes to the white stuff. Nor'easters are like weekly occurences in Beantown.
I am cracking up so hard, its not even funny.
Its something about crazy ass neighbors that I thoroughly understand! LOL!
mz. dee dee-thanx for stopping by
ruben-i'm mad about it...i'm from the south and i still have not adjusted to this mess...but i'm better off than my foolish neighbors
spchrist-all i can say is snow blows, noreasters and all...i never even heard of such till i got here-BOO to snow!
D.O.M.-i think my neighbors win the PRIZE for being crazy..u wouldnt believe the!!
Rrrrrrroflmao! You are wrong! LMAO! You killed it with that picture at the end! Rrrrrrroflmao!
you're goin to hell! lolol. tennis racket. i must have missed the neighbors blog. why do you hate these people so much?
shawn-welcome back, kotter! and he might as well have been dressed like that cuz he had on a light windbreaker in all that snow-UGH!
jameil-i dont hate my neighbors...i LOATHE them ;-) they annoy the hell out of me, prolly cuz i try to be a considerate, responsible neighbor...they are just beat like that. they make it too easy to make fun of i wonder where my blog would be without them..HA HA HA!!!!
Nigs in the Blizz '06.
All I could do was laugh my a$$ off!!! I am gonna have to use that, with your permission of course.
epsilonicus-use away, use away :-)
you are just so wrong. you live next to the dumbest people on earth, don't you? I've never lived in snow but I for damn sure wouldn't be using a tennis racket to the clear the snow from around my car. What a nimwit really starting to think that they have not watched a video or read a book about how Americans do things cuz they are so backwards (and they certainly dont observe very well-monkey see, monkey don't do)...u wouldnt have believed all the hype about this storm and he was really chillin with the racket!!! rackets, hangers and statues make great bootleg shovels!!! HA HA HA!!
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