I'm Scared of Being Scared, sniffle, sniffle
tyra herself was afraid of dolphins, some lady was afraid of pennies and another was afraid of ketchup. and as it pained me to admit the truth, my epiphany broke free from my naked, shattered heart and i realized that i too, suffer from numerous phobias. tyra and i cried together as i sorted out exactly which ones are going to be the death of me as i know it......i am bearing my soul and sharing that i am afflicted with the following fears:
Slime-blennophobia, Wind-ancraopobia, Teenagers-ephebiphobia, The Figure 8-octophobia, 4+ inch heels-stilettophobia, Dust-amathophobia, Ugliness-cacophobia, Knees-genuphobia, Bald People-peladophobia, Fog-homichlophobia, looking up-anablephobia, Crackheads-crackheadophobia, High Water Pants-tooshortophobia, Long words-hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia, Infinity-apeirophobia, Scotch Tape-stickyophobia, Chins-geniophobia, and the BIGGEST SHOCKER!!!!!!!!!
The Bogeyman and bogeys-bogeyphobia.
AHHHH...i need therapy. i knew i was a freak....i'm so terrified. this is controlling my life. I NEED, I NEED.....
to stop watching the tyra banks show and surfing the phobia list.
(for those who really do suffer with real phobias, no harm intended)
(p.s. i only made up four of these phobias, the rest are real)
Well Miss A...thanks for the love on the page. If you keep churning out posts like this, I'll become a regular visitor.
I need glasses! thought it said "some lady was afraid of penises"
All I could think was that must really blow!
nah, ol' girl had to sift through a fish tank of pennies and if she dug deep enough, she would find a $6,000 watch (which she did)
ah, but alas, there is a fear of penises-phallophobia and for those afraid of erect ones, its medorthophobia......HA HA!!!!!! can u imagine someone with these fears?? that phobia list will have you dying!!
i wonder how one could overcome their fear of penises?? (mental pic) ROFL!!!!!!
@Miss A- When people are afraid of snakes and spiders they are encouraged to touch them. Since I suffer severly from medorthophobia.
shawn-(dying laughing) ok, i think i just hurt myself....that medorthophobia is a killer....we gotta get you some help-STAT!!!
I have cacophobia and Tyraphobia because I am so sick of her...LOL
akintoye-lol...be careful, they're everywhere.
professorgq-dang, thats another phobia to add to my list :-P
This is insane. Afraid of pennies? What the hell! Phobias make no sense to me although snakes scare and the movie arachnophobia scared the living out of me. Other than that I think I am cool...oh wait..there is my growing fear of heights, people, bad breath and blogging. Hmm...I might need to see someone, perhaps Tyra, about my disorders.
@ Shawn-lol....if you visit that phobia list, there is pretty much a titled phobia for ANYTHING!!!! yours are prolly already on there...
@Shawn- Tell Tyra you have reverse medorthophobia, you know what the cure for that is right? Bhwhahahahahahahahahaha!
I'm afraid of models who have big foreheads, real tits(apparently) and terrible talk shows...what phobia is that? I think I'm a tyraboobiesrealbigforeheadnotalentmodel-phobe
I don't knock her alien-ass hustle tho...BLACKGIRLPOWER FIST PUMP!!!
Your ransom has been paid.
elle-HA HA!!!! hey, i think thats really on phobialist.com...her show topics are beyond ridiculous..lol
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