Thursday, June 01, 2006

Tagged & Bagged....SoWise, you rascal!

as i was doing my reads in blogland....i realized i was tagged by SoWise (i really ain't mad cuz i am so cranky and in a mad funk this morning and didn't feel like posting about the drama...maybe monday for that-anyhoos)

my answers are as follows:

Keep it Real...

1. If you could be doing what you really want to be doing for a living, what would it be?

i would be some type of mega-star. doesn't matter what kind, i'd act (i'd need the bomb coach), i'd sing (i could get some good producers), or if i lost about 50 pounds, i'd be a model since i'm so tall...anything that would keep me in the paparazzi's lenses

2. If you could slap the shit out of any famous person, alive or dead, who would it be?

our president, all rappers that have diamonds in their mouths, beyonce (i'm tired of her hogging the spotlight and stealing kelly's shine), elvis presley for being a thief, kobe bryant-no explanations needed, lil jon for never getting a shave and haircut, carinne stefans (superhead) for being superhead, kimora lee simmons for thinking she is so damn fabulous but really she's a ghetto hoodrat that stumbled into money, that football player that gave that groupie herpes-i think his name is michael or randy vik, nick cannon for trying to be a rapper, whitney houston for shattering the voice and talent she once had by becoming the world's most famous crackhead, all rappers and sports players that have cornrows-LET THEM DIE LIKE THE JHERI CURL-PLEASE!, naomi campbell for having anger issues and for assaulting someone i know, diddy for doing that damn pro-active solutions commercial for a hairbump on his cheek AND last but not least, maxwell for taking so long to come out with another album

3. What's the dumbest decision you've made in the past 5 years?

to move into my current place

4. Give up one for a year: (good) sex or (good) music.


5. Dudes, would you rather have a big dick or a great sense of humor? Ladies, nice tits & azz or common sense?

titties eventually sag and asses spread and/or dimple, so i'll take the smarts

6. So you've been invited to an all expense paid Blogger Prom in The Bahamas. You're sitting at the bar on the beach. Which blogger do you want to join you for hours of good convo?

The L-she drinks hen-dog like a champ and has a smart mouth

7. Which blogger would you most like to cuddle with on the beach? (and don't defer to your current signif other either. Infidelity won't count against you. Duh.)

Shawn-he's just so sarcastic and funny...i'd hurt myself laughing and cooning with him

8. You're going on a 5 hour road trip...which 5 CDs do you bring?

jill scott-vol. 1,
my stevie wonder box set,
prince greatest hits,
erykah badu-mama's gun,
donny hathaway live or greatest hits AND
eric roberson fused into one cd (the vault 1.5 and esoteric movement)-SO WHAT!!! i cheated and i don't care

9. Would you rather bury your children young or have your children bury you young?

creepy question-PASS!

10. What's your biggest insecurity?

hmmmm....i don't know.

11.What's the first blog you read every day...or however often you read them?

suezette...mine are saved in alphabetical order and her address starts with ...., which comes before "a"

12. When's the last time you peed your pants?

i do it in my dreams all the time, but in real life, i can't remember. my cousin taught me how to go on the side of the road, so i just go if i can't wait to get to the appropriate facilities

13. Which was better, your first kiss or your first pay check?

DEFINITELY the first paycheck...i felt so accomplished. first kiss was a disaster and he made me feel like the amateur i was

14. Do you have kids? Want Kids?

i have one daughter, her name is starr baby.

i want 2-5 others in life...perhaps they'll be human

15. You get dropped off at home after the office holiday party by your bitch azz boss that you can't effing exit the car and he peels out, runs a red light at your corner and rolls up an unsuspecting midget. The next day the midget watch groups are on TV outraged at the heartless hit and run, and are calling for any witnesses to please come fwd...that half dead midget has a family at home waiting on C-mas presents. Would you take $1000 hush money? $500? $100? A six pack?

first off, i would never get a ride from him...but let's just say i depends on the reward they offered for information. it would have to be at least 4 figures upwards of 5K for me to snitch. the community outpour would provide the midget's fam with christmas presents.

16. Live the rest of your life without your eyebrows or your fingernails?

eyebrows, i could draw them on

17. What makes you angry?

stupid silly chicks, most rappers and rap songs, my slumlord, people who listen but don't hear, bad drivers

18. What makes you horny?

storms, cheeseburgers with everything on it & crocodile skin luggage

19. What makes you nervous?

large groups or random strange-looking inner city people, that includes all ethnicities-yeah, i said it! when you've been robbed and seen crimes committed in your face, you tend to be leary.

20. What makes you smile?

puppies and cats, good food, good music, fresh flowers, sweet text messages, chocolate, justice, shoes, nice old people, & surprises

if you want, answer these on your page too!


Blogger Charles said...

This is a good one...I might have to use it. And I think you were referring to Michael Vick (or in that incident, Ron Mexico). I feel you on all that Whitney Houston and Nick Cannon pimpslap tho...hahahaha. And those 5 cds you mentioned??? Timeless...

11:25 AM  
Blogger Shawn said...

This whole thing was hiliarious but the best answer for me was: [slapping] lil jon for never getting a shave and haircut

Hey I got a shout out. Woot hoot...Now, I am doign the butterfly, Roger Rabbit and The Rog from What's Happenin'?

Good music selections.

I dropped by thinking I'd be reading a post about your "rampage." Don't know what's going on but I hope it's not too upsetting. Enjoy your weekend.

12:41 PM  
Blogger Sylvia said...

Nick Cannon deserves a little more than a slap...he deserves a damn beat down with his corny ass. Ugh...cant stand him!

Great post, miss A. Have a wonderful weekend...

1:59 PM  
Blogger Olawunmi said...

you're deranged!!!

2:48 PM  
Blogger Olawunmi said...

lol (i forgot to add, before you bring your crazy self round to my space to cuss out my sweetness!)

2:49 PM  
Blogger Mrs A. said...

charles-yeah, i'm foggy about football players so i figured i messed his name up-thanx!

shawn-no you ain't doing the ROG!?!?!?! LMAO...i'ma post about the madness next week. i have a feeling some more will occur in the next few days ;-)

sylvia-*gag* doesn't he just make you wanna barf? have you heard his song where he sampled the classic "poison" by bbd? just a MESS!

olawunmi-you make me sound like an ax murderer-lol :-P....hey, i've been called worse

3:12 PM  
Blogger AWE said...


3:33 PM  
Blogger Jameil said...

ok can i just say the paragraph abt famous people was one of the most hilarious things ever!! hahahaha. i feel like i say that every other post but hahahahahahaha! "i'm just tryin to maintain my sexy." i wonder how much they pay. i'd let them airbrush something onto my miraculously clear skin (thanks God!) in a pic. they must be givin on the crazy dough. more than athletes/rappers w/cornrows, i hate old ass men (30+ w/cornrows) get a job!! you can't have one w/those. i mean come on. where the hell are you going to work? and cheeseburgers do not make you horny!! LMAO!!

7:31 PM  
Blogger So...Wise...Sista said...

Cornrows...Yes!...wait, I mean, NOOOO! Hate em.

And you're so right...the midgets would become like celebs in the city. They'd be straight for the holidays.

9:02 PM  
Blogger The Very Reverend Ace Clemmons, Jr. said...

i starting to see some trends here amongst the girls....

AWESOME roadtrip 5!!

I'm gonna actually put those together myself.

I love Jill Scott. Its a minor dream of mine to produce a record in her vein....

11:33 AM  
Blogger Adei von K said...

Hey!!! You're cheating on your CDs!! Stevie by himself is 4 discs!!!
I hate cornrows as well. Let them go! Please! I will give you money

5:02 PM  
Blogger ..Sue...Zette... said...

Cousin...these were awesome answers!!!!!!!!!

9:19 PM  
Blogger Lyrically speaking said...

Your answer to question 19 made me laugh, I can relate living here in Nueva York

9:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, I would slap the very same people. We should tag team especially on Kobe Bryant :).

10:52 PM  
Blogger Soulfull said...

LOL@#18! Yeah, nothing gets the blood flowing like a summer storm or any season for that matter... :)

10:43 PM  
Blogger Ladynay said...

I have to look up peeing on yourself in a dream decoder book. That is interesting....

7:24 AM  
Blogger Mrs A. said...


jameil-oooooooh, melted cheese, ketchup dripping off the edges, crisp crunchy lettuce-AHHHH!!! that'll do it every time!

so wise-i just don't get it....they are sooooooooooo played right now and people are still serious, getting designs and stuff-ARGH!!!

reverend-that was hard, but those cd's are definitely classics :-D

stacie-HA @ the braids...and i know, i said i was cheating, but that was hard. some things i just cannot do without.

suezette-thanx....heeeeeeey, where you been? since i read you first, are we first cousins? LOL!!!!

delalueversus-i don't even front. i roll up windows...and will go out of my way to avoid crowds and certain blocks...SCARY!!

damon z-slapping is really good exercise. i could keep that list going forever!


ladynay-oh my...i'm afraid of what it could mean......let me know!

8:31 AM  
Blogger Elle Jefe said...

so i had been out of the loop so long that i am still catching up on posts from folks.

you could sit next to me at the bar anytime! i would drink enough for both of us!

2:28 PM  

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