Wednesday, May 03, 2006

I Hope You Burn In Hell

as i now sit in awe, watching oprah, my heart and eyes weep for this beautiful woman who was set on fire by her crazy husband. a husband that was previously abusive, a husband whom she tried to keep away from her by instituting the wonderful paperwork that is supposed to protect good people from the crazies. in fact, when yvette went to court to try and find some solace within the judicial went like this:

(taken from actual voice recordings)

YVETTE: “He is violating the peace order. He is contacting my family, intimidating my daughter. He is contacting me and vandalizing other people’s property. I want you to look at these pictures but what I really would like is an immediate divorce…”

JUDGE: (interrupting her) “And I’d like to be 6’5” but it doesn’t work that way. You have to go to divorce court for that”

YVETTE: “Well, I want you to look at these pictures because…”

JUDGE: (interrupting again) “This case is dismissed at the request of the petitioner”

husband continued to stalk her, harrass her family, vandalize property, violate all of said paperwork...and one day he simply walked into her place of business with a sprite bottle full of gasoline, doused her and set her ablaze. she can't do much by herself. her arms freeze up. her skin peels, cracks and ripples. she has to wear garments that are extremely tight to prevent the rippling/bumping of the skin. she cleaned what is left of her right ear and pulled out ashes. she has had over 12 surgeries and stayed in the hospital for 17 months.

my mind is having a very difficult time digesting this. FURTHERMORE, i sit here watching her laugh and smile and speak of how her life must go on. to have been a victim of such violence and have the strength to even form a smile, let alone go on oprah and address the nation is beyond me......but it is awesome. and i just wanted to say two things:

yvette cade is the most beautiful person i have ever seen


i hope her husband burns in hell

actually, i wish someone could set his ass on fire right now...waiting to die to spend eternal damnation on fire is too easy...he should suffer now....bastard


Blogger Soulfull said...

O you just saved me a post as I just got finished watching (and crying) over this show. It's just plain crazy how that Judge reacted to her and this so-called husband should NEVER get out of jail. Local 7 News was just reporting on how this judge is facing misconduct charges due to this case. I HOPE he loses his ability to serve as a judge. Bastard!

5:43 PM  
Blogger Shawn said...

Girl! I'm still watching it! And that judge! That makes no sense what so ever!

6:25 PM  
Blogger Shawn said...

If there is any justice in this world someone at the prison he is in will see this episode of Oprah and handle it accordingly. Even if he isn't in gen pop they can still get to him, they got to Dahmer.

I'm not advocating violence...
I'm just saying, and eye for an eye.

6:32 PM  
Blogger Jameil said...

harsh. not the first, certainly won't be the last judge to make a significant mistake, particularly when it comes african-americans. this is precisely why we need more of us in legal and judicial positions. no, spousal abuse isn't just a black issue. however, there is a common belief in America, and particularly within the "justice system" that domestic problems and criminal activity is commonplace in our community. which in turn breeds a culture of lackadaiscal attitudes when it comes to the issues affecting black people.

6:50 PM  
Blogger Elle Jefe said...

OMG, damn the gym for not having oprah on instead of cnn when i get there, i would have been up in there cussing at the tv, that's just ridiculous!

7:17 PM  
Blogger ..Sue...Zette... said...

My heart is broken for her...girl I'm sitting here with tears in my eyes...
You never know what the person that says they love you is capable of...

10:48 PM  
Blogger Waddie G. said...

the judge needs to pay too...I cannot believe he got the opportunity to harm that, I got sad...that man is lucky that she is no immediate family of mine...he would be tortured.

12:19 AM  
Blogger Ladynay said...

What makes it worse is that this happens all the time....

People are being abused and when they get the courage to ask for help, the system don't kick in to protect!

The judge should have to pay like the husband. Granted, the husband is off the rocker and he would have harmed her even if the divorce was granted. Getting locked up for abuse isn't a long period of time so he would have done the time and got out just to harm her anyways.

But someone's got to pay.

And your right, she is a beautiful woman and she survived her tortured past for a reason!

7:38 AM  
Blogger Life, it happens said...

When I heard and read about this a few months ago my heart went out to her, and now seeing With all that she has been through she is still a beautiful person. And her spirit is so appealing, the power of God is awsome in a person soul. And her "husband", oh he will get his, remember you reap what you sow; rather what goes around come around!!!!

7:53 AM  
Blogger Sylvia said...

That bastid judge is just as guilty as the husband.


I didnt get a chance to see the show so thanks for posting about it, Miss A. I cant believe the husband had the balls to go to her WORK and set the poor woman on fire! That just goes to show you how many crazy ass people there are around us that should be in mental institutions.

9:00 AM  
Blogger AWE said...

Give me 5 minutes with her husband and he would feel her pain. Hell give me another 5 minutes with the judge too.

10:09 AM  
Blogger Shawn said...

wow! my friend called me this morning to ask if I had seen this Oprah segment. I missed it. Please tell me that Judge has been reprimanded and forced to resign his judgeship? What a tragic story.

1:25 PM  
Blogger Mrs A. said...

yeah guys, he has received some type of "demotion" but i have to do some more digging to see what the final sentence for him is...

1:53 PM  
Blogger Tafari said...

very unfortunate, her husband needs an... (f&%9 it)


11:06 PM  

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