Thursday, April 27, 2006

Top Mogwai::Week "I Don't Give a Damn Cuz My Heart is Broken"


NOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Say it ain’t so………….i…can….barely…type….for…the…tears…are…blurring…my…vision! NNENNA WAS KICKED OFF LAST NIGHT!!!!! (moment of silence, please)
Now, YES, she was slowly losing momemtum, and YES, she was extremely boring with her facial expressions, and YES, she was getting comfortable just winning the challenges and posing for lackluster photos…BUT I DON’T CARE!!!!!! I WANTED HER TO BE THE NEXT IMAN!!!!!!! I WANTED HER TO STOMP THE OTHER GIRLS IN THE NECK WITH HER NIGERIAN HEELS!!!!! I WANTED HER TO BE BALD, BLACK AND BEAUTIFUL IN THE TOP SPOT!!!!!!! I WANTED HER TO WIN AND GET SUPER-SNOTTY AND DUMP THAT LOSER BOYFRIEND OF HERS AND TRAVEL AROUND THE WORLD WITH A BENGAL TIGER ON A LEASH!!!!!!!! NNENNA, WHY HAS THOU FORSAKEN ME!?!?! you let your water run dry, we've come to the end of the road, i can't say goodbye to yesterday, i'm crying everyone's tears, it's just another day, nothing's any good and i am now the queen of sorrow...........I have no words

(ok, so did anyone else notice the clown's teeth in the "dancing nnenna" pic? i say GOT-DAMN!!!!! it looks like his breath smells like boiled possums...YET nnenna braved his hot inferno mouth, let him breathe all over her and STILL produced a lovely photo....oooh, nnenna-the good ol'days!) But I will move onto the episode antics…the girls got to go to THAILAND! And they were put up in a very swanky hotel. But before leaving LA, Danielle agreed to get her gap slightly closed. Now, I was on the fence about this one because I disagree with the judges saying that it would hold her back and isn’t marketable. There are plenty of models with jacked up teeth, tattoos, all kinds of things that may be looked upon as unattractive but have become their trademark. And on the same note, I didn’t want Danielle to be kicked off for refusing to get it done cuz after all is said and done, its just a gap, not your soul. The girls also had to go for interviews with a very cutthroat guy who showed no mercy...LOL…he straight called miss jade out, telling her she looked like an “arrogant b*tch.” HA HA!!!!!! Nnenna had won the interview challenge, even though the guy thought she was a bit snobbish so her prize was a spa treatment…but the other girls had to perform it-BOO!!! I would not want my competitors, especially NON-certified chicks rubbing on me and securing my bath…nonetheless, her and jade got some down time at the spa. There really wasn’t much to this episode. The girls had to pose like mermaids caught in a fish net (with real dead fish) dangled above cute Thai women on a river. I liked the shoot………so onto the pics……

danielle-i guess i'm on team danielle now. i like her but find it hard to celebrate her pic at a time like this-but its definitely good.

fufu-even tho she looked a hot funky mess at first, she finally pulled it together to produce a nice pic. only thing is, i'ma herneed to eat just a few pieces of chicken, some hogmaws and some con'bread cuz she is like a #2 pencil with a weave. just entirely too thin, eerily thin, ribcage and chest bone protruding thin..

jade-the judges loved this pic. but i don't not just because i don't like her, but i think she looks awkward. her mouth looks like she's about to whistle or something-BLEH!

joanie-she bores me to tears when she's not taking pics and this one looks a little porny to me...but she still looks nice

nnenna-WHAT HAPPENED!?!?! she just hung there like the other dead fish caught in the net. i can't even...continue...*sniffle*

sara-someone PLEASE put her out of her befuttled misery. she's confused and unsure and looks very zoolander-ish in this pic. BLEH!

i'm gonna stick to JADE as my top pic to go home next. i'm just tired of her...but competition-wise, sara needs to get the boot also-ASAP! she has no fire, no umph, no gusto.


Also, after the regular ep, there was a behind-the-scenes special with outtakes and silliness. I MUST SAY that I really enjoyed how they played jade’s dumb ass and all the made-up words and off-beat phrases she uses in attempt to sound intelligent or more important. I present the HALL OF JADE’S IG’NANCE

“most models hair is more lengthly” (her tantrum when she didn't get a long weave. instead she got the blond fro)

“my body is very proportionable” (her attempt to sell the judges on why she is a good pick for top model)

“I’m short, I’m blond and I’m unbalanced” (another tantrum when she couldn't get on the phone and needs to blow some steam after getting the fro)

“them ain’t even diamonds” (said to fufu who was wearing a child's tiara around the house)

“I’m not from this planet” (her attempt to convince everyone that she is so deep, so special, so WEIRD)

“I live in New York City, the belly of the beast” (her justification as to why she should have already BEEN a top model) - i must comment on this one because just because you MOVE to NY doesn't automatically earn you anything. you are a peon in a SEA of people. if that's the case, then i need my own show cuz i live in the spleen and work in the gallbladder of the beast and i get up er'ry day to take care of my biznazz...somebody-GIVE ME SOMETHING!!

“look at you, your face is bumpy” (her shot at fufu during the wild'n out challenge.)– OKAY…I have to object to her calling out fufu’s bad skin, cuz jade’s is truly NO BETTER. It looks like old leather…and don’t let her be without makeup-AHHHHHHH!!!! Run for cover.

“what you see is what you get, but don’t judge a book by its cover” (again, trying to sell the judges on her uniqueosity-yeah, i made that one up for her-friggin' idiot! she just talks in circles)
CLICK HERE!!!!!!!!!

i will be mourning the loss of nnenna for the next few days, so you guys, keep hope alive and pray for my sanity *sniffle, GAG!*


Blogger Shawn said...

Now that I am boycotting the show I can't have as much fun with the recaps. :-( Nevertheless, Nnena being sent home is plain outrageous.

I was instructed by my east coast people to watch Jade's vocab lessons. A mind is a terrible thing to waste. I couldn't even laugh at her. She's really, really, really dumb. Who knew it was to that degree?

12:49 PM  
Blogger Mrs A. said...

shawn, i still can't believe it....i'm just devastated! i mean, she was slowly falling from grace, but she def deserved a pass and another chance to step it up. sara should have definitely gone last night. but onto jade...THAT fool just makes me want to punch her in the face more and more each week-kinda like that punch clip you posted-SMACK DAB in that piggy nost of hers. *mourning*

1:13 PM  
Blogger i like liquor and tv said...

rofl@belly of the beast. That just cracks me up. Those Jade comments are hilarious.

But it's good that Nnenna was sent packing. I'd rather see her get a gig with a nice legit agency on her own, than have her win ANTM and be stuck with Tyra 'nem for a year or so. And you know she'll get signed somewhere.

4:02 PM  
Blogger Omar Ramon said...

HOW DARE THEY!!!! We are NOT amused! HMPH!
i am more than heartbroken over nenna...she was fizzling out a it , but with a parasite of a boyfriend like hers, who wouldn't be drained. you can only be so aloof and focused beforee you start to feel the burn. DAMMIT JOHN!!!!
anyway i missed u homie, and ya crazy rants and commentary. i took my own hiatus for a few moments but here i'm is!!


4:27 PM  
Blogger So...Wise...Sista said...

No justice, no peace!

That was just unnecessary. The child won damn near every challenge and yet the boring blond gets to stay?? And the crazy Belly of the Beast? Eff Tyra.

Miss A: "then i need my own show cuz i live in the spleen and work in the gallbladder of the beast"


9:02 PM  
Blogger Soulfull said...

Yes, ANTM made a grave mistake this week. Damn bammas and like omar said, who wouldn't be drained... from carrying a loser boyfriend on your back! LOL! Nnena is gonna make it though, so I ain't even worried. It's funny though because with the girls that are left, I have this feeling that it's going to be between Danielle and Joanie at the end. That's my guess...

1:08 AM  
Blogger Ladynay said...

Awwwwww. Your girl will be fine. It's like American Idol. Even if you don't win, if you got talent someone will pick you up. :-D

7:35 AM  
Blogger ..Sue...Zette... said...

WOOO WOOO WOOOOO...I think I saw that one coming though

7:55 AM  
Blogger Sylvia said...

Furonda over Nnenna? I mean COME ON...

12:13 PM  
Blogger sweetness said...

this year its wack all over. jade is unique lookin but not beautiful. and the rest of them is just another pretty face. ur fav had a little edge to her with the bald head. i'm bored with the show!

1:15 PM  
Blogger Sherlon Christie said...

Reality TV is rigid.

1:28 PM  
Blogger Waddie G. said...

Nnenna's time was overdue...I really liked her, but there was nothing magical in her photos and I believe that Tyra had it out for her for a while, especially when the boyfriend was no longer drama on the show.

4:10 PM  

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