Yes, I'll have some fresh mexican tacos, HOLD THE FRESH MEXICANS!!!!
Guadalupe: Goos assernoon...sank you for calling baja fresh. how can i hells su todays?
Miss A: Yes, i would like to order for pickup.
Guadalupe: U want ship cup? u want pico wissat?
Miss A: No, not chip cup, order for PICK-UP!!!
Guadalupe: ok, what u like todays?
Miss A: i would like the chipotle glazed charbroiled chicken salad
Guadalupe: ok, cheecken salad, $8.59...anysing else??
Miss A: i wasn't finished..i want no cilantro
Guadalupe: ok, cheecken salad, no cilantro $8.59, anysing else
Miss A: yes, i wasn't finished AGAIN. i want no cilantro, no avocado..
Guadalupe: ok, cheecken salad, no cilantro, mooore avocado, $8.59..anysing else
Miss A: listen to me, ok? i'm not finished. i want NO cilantro, NO avocado, and cheese on the side
Guadalupe: ok, cheecken salad, NO cilantro, NO avocado, and chez...what kind chez u want?
Miss A: i would like (think fast on what she'll understand)
Guadalupe: yes, u want yellow chez, white chez, oh yellow-white chez
Miss A: i'll have yellow cheese
Guadalupe: no chez?
Miss A: YELLOW CHEESE!!!!!!!!
Guadalupe: ok, cheecken salad, no cilantro, no avocado, yellow chez on side, $9.09...anysing else, ships oh dreen
Miss A: no, i do not want a drink..but i thought chips came with it
Guadalupe: ok, u want ships? $10.49..anysing else.
Miss A: no, i was asking if chips came with it because they used to. if they don't come with it, then i don't want them.
Guadalupe: ok, NO ships..$9.09...anysing
Miss A: you didn't answer the question...oh nevermind. i'm here now
i went in there to get my order that had yet to be prepared because we were on the phone so i waited. my food was delicious, but next time i want some fresh mexican food, i'll skip the fresh mexican...maybe i'll fax my order...perhaps they can READ english a little better..ARRIBA, ARRIBA!!!!!!!

LMAO! Next time tell them you want una ensalda con pollo y queso amarillo, sin cilantro y avocado, entiendes?
si, pero yo piense que puesto que vivimos en los Estados Unidos, ingles debe ser la lengua primaria y cada uno debe hablar fluido. but its all good...i just get frustrated because thats so annoying. if you cant hold a fluent english conversation outside of your fast food joint-cool...but at least be working it inside of your job..if i say chicken mcnuggets...understand that ish!!!! LOL :-)
O I am too through *falling out over here* you betta start packing your lunch cause you have a hard time getting your food LOL
this reminds me when I called the human resources and technology departments that are outsourced in India.
@ ms. na-i know, dayum...i just realized how diffcult my lunches seem to be...i have noticed the pattern and must remix my situation...thanx!!
@ prof-puh-lease don't get me started on those indian customer service reps...i will just die!!!!!!
Le Sigh. Miss A. I understand your frustration but...
I dunno maybe I'm a little sensitive. Okay, so I'm a whole lot sensitive. It's okay though this will help me grow a thicker skin.
Also I was sick for a while there so what I was supposed to get done didn't get done. I'm okay with it a little but I am a little disappointed in myself as well. :/
YO A your butt is crazy...I was over here falling out with laughter..You got it down girl, th e lingo and all that!! ooooooohhhhhhh child you gone run my pressure up carrying on all this foolishness...LMAO--Na but I was really entertained!!
Mexican is my favorite so since finding Authentic mexican cuisine, it leaves no room for that stank ass Taco Bell...I can't swing to the American version of what aint real!! can u dig it?
@ shawn-????? whats the deal, mama? i think im lost...holla back, or i'll get at u :-S
@ shenehneh-you know, i usually encounter problems when ordering food, so i guess that enhances my patience but at the same time, i'm boiling on the inside cuz its so annoying. this whole country is turning into little mexico!!!!!!
@ yaz-i TOTALLY hear you...taco smell just aint gonna cut it!!!!!
My family is Mexican. Black but Mexican at the same time. LOL! And not all of us speak perfect english. :/ So that's why I say I am a little sensitve. It's okay though.
aw, punkin!!!! but do they have jobs where speaking is frequent and mandatory?!?! dont fret...i gots some mixation going on with my mutt azz and my family is all jumbled up...but no know you my homie & you know its all laughs, same as when i do my 'slave talk' :-D
I love it. You already know my story about lodging in Houston, TX courtesy of Consuela DeJesus San Marcos de Villa but this definately takes the cake! Pollo Tropical in South Florida right? I'd rather make the food at home myself porque puedo cocinar muy bien tambien.
Try placing this order with a southern accent, and remember we speak slow. The restaurant that scares me is the Chinese.
Your experience is why I only mess with Taco Bell...
hahahaha!! or at least they can hand the fax to someone who can read english!! that was hilarious! i don't speak enuf spanish. all i know for food is cerveza por favor and arroz con pollo. and carne. but i LUUUUUV me some mexican. long as the margaritas are strong and whatever you bring me has meat, cheese, salsa, guac and sour cream, we good.
@ stacie-yeah, we both been there, but i cant mess with the cooking!
@ awe-yeah, sometimes, they're just as bad...but i don't call them-i go there and point to stuff
@ spchrist-yeah, but once you go authentic, you'll never go back!!!
@ jameil-ooooh, margaritas!!! BRB!!!
I am doing Baja Fresh for lunch or dinner this week just cuz of the good word on the food.
The post was too darn funny! We have all been in a similar situation!
Damn, I'm hungry!
This reminds me of when I first moved to ATL, I couldn't understand nothing nobody said.
But what's real fucked up is my dad, says that same shit about people in the south.
'How do you live in the United States, and not speak English, and they call me a foreigner!'
I be cracking up!
I never make complicated orders when I order from a place like that over the phone.
Funny enough, without cilantro and with cheese sometimes make the order too complicated.
I prefer to save myself the headache with a burrito.
But I must admit, I do like Baja.
funny how getting someone else to cook you some good food can turn into such a projrct. I love ya blog, ur too funny. I keep forgetting to ask my mamman about you but i'll try and keep you in mind next time i speak to her.
no worrys. le sigh. my muse is a traitorous bitch. :/
@ ladynay-dont ya love it???? damn, i might have some again today, going inside to order, of course!
@ D.O.M.- i know...southerners DO have their own langauge..when i first moved, i just kept quiet cuz i got tired of saying HUH? MA'AM? WHATCHUSAY?
@ nos-i hear ya...but i have to have it my way...or else i'll die!!!!! p.s. welcome!!
@ omar-i know...if i weren't so lazy, i'd cook my damn self...nah, im lying cuz there's just some things i cannot duplicate...and tell her i said hi whenever you can ;-)
@ shawn-cool beans! :-P hey, r u feeling pressure...we'll chat about it later?
LMAO! Hell that's why i'm boycotting a lot of places no b/c of stuff like that....LOL
BWWWaaahahaha! I had a situation last week at El Pollow Loco where it took me 5 minutes and 10 tries to get the cashier to understand the damn order. If I hadn't been ordering for other people, I woulda taken my money elsewhere. I just don't know how a major fast food company can make it a practice to hire people to work cashiers that don't/can't speak english. I think we need to start writing letters to the corporations. We're up in arms about the gov't not getting rid of these fools but we never talk about the companies that employ the workers that make our lives hell.
lol! I love the dialogue! I think that you have the accent down. You're funny. Are you having issues with the brown right now? I remember the recent post. :)
Girl, you are hilarious!
ure soooooooo wrong!! lol
LMAO!!! Miss A you are killing me with this one!!! STOP IT! I can't front though, I want a taco now! LOL!!! :)
Oh yeah thanks again for the kind words in my blog!!! :)
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