Top Mogwai::Week 9 - Crazy for Ladies' Legs
let's get to it!!!! as we know, the ladies are in thailand. can you believe that FUFU got sent home last night? i am reeeaaaaaaaaallly disappointed. even though i'm on team danielle, i would have enjoyed seeing JADE or SARA sent home before fufu. ok, she was all over the place, looking like a frightened, spastic crackhead a lot...but i still feel like she had more ambition in her pinky toe than big, confused sara. seriously, sara looks like someone just clubbed her over the head and drug her to the competition. anyhoos, the models had a lesson in thai dancing which is very precise and elegant.
the whole time, danielle was feeling quite barfy and ended up collapsing and being escorted to the hospital. turns out she's dehydrated and has mild food poisoning. because of her hospital stint, she missed the dance competition where the girls had to dress in formal thai garb and get their dance on in front of an audience.
of course, jade thought she was on point, sara looked like a wounded antelope with a stick up her butt, joanie did very well (and won the challenge), and fufu.........well, fufu looked kinda like this.....
honey, poor fufu looked like gator from jungle fever, just shaking and fluttering all over the place. i swear she did the cabbage patch and the running man at least twice. the whole audience was cracking up-poor fufu.those nerves will getcha every time!
so danielle busts outta the hospital against doctor's orders and heads back to the hotel. i figure that was a smart move cuz i mean, it was just a little food poisoning and dehydration. she had an IV so she got some fluids back and after some quality purging and resting, she'll be fine. didn't want to see her sent home for missing anymore of the competition...and WHAT A TROOPER!!! the ladies had a shoot for venus razors so the point was to show off their legs. they went deep into the thai jungle on elephants to pose. i think they looked great! check em out!!
GORGEOUS!!! she looks so regal up there...nothing more to say except go team danielle!!!!!!!
fufu-well, she looks a little uncomfortable to me. i could do without the view of her trap cuz it just accentuates her boniness. lord, someone please feed this child!!! 5-10 pounds would make such a difference in her life
jade-HATE THIS PIC!!! the way her bone structure is really makes it difficult to look graceful. her eyebrow line, cheekbones and chin look "razor" sharp...not to mention, she looks like she's laying on a surfboard learning how to swim and was photoshopped onto the elephant's back. just a mess! BOO!
joanie-great pic. great face, great legs. great pose. she really worked this one. i think her new teeth have given her the confidence of 10 women. she worked that elephant like he was her own personal pet. i like this one alot.
sara-what can i say? i'm so bored with her. she had the nerve to bite joanie and pretty much copy every pose she did during her shoot. that is so wack! and this pic looks like she's dry-humping the poor elephant...if she's not sent home next, i'm gonna scream! and her left foot looks huge-BLEH!
now, at judging, it came down to fufu and jade. i'm tired of tyra putting jade in the bottom 2, and never sending her ass home! she's been in the bottom 2 almost every week, except for about 3 times. and every time-they talk about her arrogance and miss-know-it-all demeanor. they even check her for thinking she knows it all, and has yet to become a supermodel....but she still gets chance after chance. jade is like an ingrown see it, feel gets on your nerve, but sometimes you don't feel like fighting to remove it. well, i'd fight till the death to send her ass back to the "belly." LOL! she's starting to look a little michael jackson-esque and i'm sick of her mouth. i swear, if i were on that show, we would have had an altercation already. honestly, i'd rather see sara's doofy self stay longer than jade cuz she knows she sucks therefore she just fades into the background. but jade sucks and thinks she's hot! anyhoos, ya'll know who my vote is for so, i'll keep hope alive that she'll get the boot.
They are not going to send Jade home till the end so they can keep the ratings. From what I hear she is the ish talker of the group. If you make the drama queen go home, alot of folks won't watch.
Even though I thought FuFu should have been gone a long time ago, I hated to see her leave. One reason b/c both her and Danielle are from Arkansas(I am too). But I soon got over Fufu leaving.
Danielle just has "it". If she doesn't win, I'm sure she'll get some modeling jobs.
A girl who works in my building is a cousin of Danielle(she's from Little Rock). She knows who won but won't tell me. But I'm pulling for Danielle.
Your fave Jade continues to receive get out of jail free cards from Tyra and assoc. LOL!
Tyra is insulting the ANTM viewership by keeping Ms Piggy around.
Jade shoulda been on Flavor of Love and not ANTM.
i am over here cracking up you talking about can someone please feed this child! hahah! i can give her a few of my pounds, i really don't need them!
ladynay-yeah, but its old first, it was funny and she's just ugly, old and boring
southern gal-i know who wins too...but i'll never teeeeeeeeeell!! ;-)
shawn-AMEN!! her and NY...that would have been classic tv-WOOT for that mental pic!!!
the L-i think she's the thinnest girl to ever be on there. and she insists on wearing these shirts with boob pockets that just sag to the ground while her ribs poke thru...i actually like her in pics (sometimes) but bones, etc are not sexy. poor fufu! she prolly wishses the same thing...i used to be really skinny and i used to pray to gain weight...didn't happen till freshman year and about 2,000 cheesesticks from pizza hut downstairs in my dorm lobby..LOL
Jade gots to go. I think Sara is going to get the boot next, then it's going to be Jade who finally gets that "get out of jail" card revoked (LOL@SHAWN). The last two standing will be Joanie and Danielle. Who's going to win? Not that sure yet.... Both of them are bringin it....
soulfull-SHHHHHHHH!!!!! don't give it away :-P
love fufu too but am a staunch danielle-ican. i was baffled they called sara 2nd. i'm like wtf??? she bit joanie... and poorly?!! how is that a top model?? that shit ain't cute. WACK!! please put sara out of her lame ass misery. then jade. they have to keep her for at least one more week. joanie, danielle, jade, top three. b/c that way they can get rid of jade last show and still keep the high ratings. lol. you know how it works! danielle keeps rockin it out!!!!! danielle-icans unite!!!!!!!
oh and fufu needs at LEAST 10-15 pounds. five?! yeah right. that's like a chicken wing. that ain't gon do a damn thing.
can't say i watch it....they do skinny...
I miss I like Joanie's comeback on Jade..."I just smell bitch...check out my interview with Furonda on Sunday...
Jade. I do not think her propensity for drama matches her level of talent as a model.
I gotta watch the repeat today...
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