There Once Was An Old Lady.........
sooooooooo, i trust everyone had a lovely memorial day weekend. i decided to take a trip over to my grandmother's house since i hadn't seen her in a while. now, her house is known as "the house that jack built" because there are countless (and strange) random people always taking residence there. this has always been an issue for me-hence the reason i don't go visit often. i love my grandmother (i'm her favorite!) but i cannot stand all of the foolywangs that hang around.
so let's take into account: she is 70-something and currently allows the oldest granddaughter (my cousin) to live there, her boyfriend and her two kids, 3 & 11. cousin and boyfriend don't really like each other anymore, but he still stays there, so they have separate rooms. will the whino has been there for years. cousin man (he's new & i don't know him) just moved in from i-don't-know-where and brought his son who is about 11. friend arlene who tries to validate her residence by acting like my grandmother's personal assistant. youngest cousin and his girlfriend who just had their kid...whoops, they were fighting too much so they went next door to my aunt's, but the chick got tired and headed off to ny, so young cousin is back by himself. these are the people that LIVE there. now i have 3 cousins (not counting young one), the oldest that lives with grandmother and the other 2 live next door with my aunt. they all have 2 kids, well, actually one has 3 kids, so that's a total of 7 kids running around my grandmother's house at all times because she is also the babysitter.

needless to say, there is waaaaaaaay too much action going on over there and i enjoy peace and quiet. not to mention, it is annoying to know that my grandmother allows herself to be taken advantage of in such a huge way. only one of the "residents" assists with the house and maybe a bill or two. otherwise, my granny is the type that cooks big ass meals, is always doing something and if you are walking down the street looking hungry and/or homeless, she'll tell you to come on in!
sometimes i think i'm the green sheep of my family cuz i just can't get with all of that. perhaps i am really a mean person, but i know people will use you up till your friggin well runs i do not support or try to support others. i do not believe it is fair for other people to have to live with and shoulder the results of decisions you made in life, even if they just roll with it like my grandmother. i love ya, but i gotta take care of my damn self. i'm not cooking for you or your damn kids...i'm not babysitting (unless i REALLY feel like it and you pay me-but that hasn't happened in years)...i'm not picking you up or dropping you off anywhere (unless you holla at my gas tank)...i'm not buying you things that you need while you buy things you want...and i am NOT sacrificing my tranquility to sit amongst bad ass hollering kids, drunk nobody's and lazy family members.
call it selfish, but i call it self-preservation. no one is gonna run me ragged or crazy with their mess...i've got my own!

I hope grandma is living in a mansion with all dem folk up in there! That's insane! And they not paying no bills either! OH HECK NAH!
Both of my grandmothers were/are like that to a point. After a while they both got tired of it and put folk out.
we all got at least one leech in the family....uggg and they always take advantage of the old people
ladynay-well, the house is big enough, but that doesn't mean they have to live there. i can't stand it. i told my cousin, they better be glad i wasn't raised up here cuz i would have wrecked shop a long time ago
jennaynay-i don't think she ever will. its like a revolving door...soon as one leaves, 2 come in!
mz. na-HA! i think she has about 9 leeches on her hands
lol...granny always got a heart of gold don't they...even when u as the grandson/granddaughter is a hell raiser...
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Ok, here's the deal, I think that's how grandma's are. They feel a need to take care of everybody - especially grandkids. Perhaps, your grandmother is lonely or feels guilty about how she raised her own kids to allow grandkids to take over her home like that.
It always gets out of control when the grandkids start having kids though. That's when its more than time to move on.
I hope one day I can be like your grandma and have my kids and their kids around me at all times. Oh the joy! I only see one problem - I hate kids!
Oh no. I don't want your grandmother to Mother Goose/the Old Lady Who Lived in a Shoe!! I'm down with helping my fellow man/woman/auntie/uncle/3rd cousin once removed thru marriage but I plan on helping by teaching. Send your bad kids over here and I'll give them an education. have to take them back everyday. This is not a hostel. Niggas.
i'm absolutely not sayin you need to help out those who can (able bodied) help themselves but daaaang! go visit granny! help her escape. get her outta the shoe! and lmao at stace!!!! hahahahahaha. that was hilarious. she makes the neighborhood kids bring her their homework, so that explains the education part. there's a shoe lady down the street from her so she helps w/their kids. ain't that sweet?
sarcasstik-i guess...i just couldn't do it, especially if the leeches are not being productive
shawn-LOL-good luck with that!!! you already know how i'll kick a kid's ass, ha ha! i'll be damned they be up in my house actin a fool. i'd be that granny they never want to visit cuz the house will always be cold like a museum and you CAN'T...TOUCH...NOTHING!!!
stacie-see, when i first moved up here, i tried to help ONE of those kids with their homework...but between him and his bad behavior and my OCD, i have no patience so i had to throw up the deuce
jameil-yeah, ya'll are better than me. but my granny and i bump heads on this issue cuz she is more than welcome at my house where peace overflows. she has yet to come. but she carries her ass to the casinos in atlantic city so i say, i'll come over when i've built up enuf tolerance for the madness :-P otherwise, she doesn't complain about all those folks, so i say, if you like it, I LOVE IT, but i don't have to be all up in it
you know, my mom is alot like your grandmother. she's always allowing folk to take advantage of her like that. meanwhile, i'm seen as the mean one cuz i be like "get ya trife asses outta here!"
i realized recently that my mom WANTS it like that. she likes to feel needed. it's like that gives her purpose to her life. maybe the same thing holds true for your grandmother. i mean, if she's not working, what reason does she have to get up in the morning? older people have a fear of being alone. my granny only has one person in her house besides her and she's lonely. being alone makes her more fearful of her own mortality i think.
but i understand where you're coming from. it's like folk who got issues be bringing you into those issues if you let 'em. you do one nice thing for 'em and all of a sudden they think they can take advantage of you. luckily, you teach people how to treat you.
cold as a museum...Ha!! You're like the Flowers in the Attic grandma...ewwwww!!
I would have killed myself with all of that going on. Next time tell Granny that you will pick her up and take her somewhere.
oooh lordy no, they would have to get out of my house. Like my grandma used to say, "I can do bad by myself, don't need nobodies help but my own!"
nikki-good point...but i would be slightly more selective in the folks i allowed in my space. all that madness would speed up my date with death by causing me to have a heart attack!!!
shawn-sho'l is!!!!!
awe-that's an idea
L-amen and pass the peas!
jackt-yeah, that skipped over me :-)
This experience can teach many of us a lesson when we reach her's so true how the elderly is always taken advantage of. Thanks for sharing
at least ur granny is cool and happy. maybe frustrated and annoyed at times but she tries to keep the fam together. i hate it too when people are a hot mess and they don't want to grow up and stop dependin on others.
my granny is miserable and everyone is runnin away from her.
at least ur granny is cool and happy. maybe frustrated and annoyed at times but she tries to keep the fam together. i hate it too when people are a hot mess and they don't want to grow up and stop dependin on others.
my granny is miserable and everyone is runnin away from her.
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