Celebrity Ca-Ca
can someone PUH-LEASE tell me WTF is the big deal about angeline jolie and brad pitt's bald headed baby? i mean, they have never been that interesting to me, but i just don't get what the hoopla is about. i was just flipping thru the channels and there was a special on dedicated just to the days leading up to her birth. so my WTF questions are:
1. WTF did they name it shiloh which has one translation as "messiah"? that's doing a wee bit too much
2. why did some baby boutique design a pacifier made of white gold and over 278 diamonds (about 3 karats) for the kid valued around $17K?
3. why is it rumored that a magazine paid over $4 million dollars for pics of this kid?
i'm really not hating, but i don't get it.
next up, jaleel white. have ya'll heard the rumor that he (steve urkel) killed himself? now, i heard the rumor, then i heard it's not true and i hope its not. but for it to be a rumor, this is a very elaborate and ridiculous story and i can' t imagine who would start such a thing...people need to get a life
Jaleel White, who played 'nerdy 'neighbor Steve Urkel on "Family Matters" was found dead Monday. He was 29 years old. White was pronounced dead on arrival after admission to an LA hospital early Monday morning. The death is being investigated as a suicide. Born Jaleel Ahmad White, he began his career at the age of three acting in television commercials, before landing guest spots on shows such as "The Jeffersons" and "Mr. Belvedere." It was in 1989 that White landed the role that would make him famous, playing wacky neighbor 'Steve Urkel' on the ABC program "Family Matters." Following the cancellation of "Family Matters" in 1997, friends claim White became obsessed with the character, and grew despondent, despite further successes as star and producer of the UPN sitcom "Grownups", and as a writer for NBA.com. Neighbor and friend, Bradley Spencer alerted police after hearing what he described as "a loud bang" coming from White's Los Angeles apartment. Authorities state that upon entering the home they discovered a young African-American male with an apparently self-inflicted gunshot wound to the head. Also found was a note, which read simply "Did I do that?", a popular catchphrase from the show. "Jaleel was an uncommonly good man, an exceptional role model and a great comedic actor," said William Bickley, who created the series, and Thomas L. Miller, one of the executive producers, in a joint statement. "We feel privileged to have known him and worked with him. He'll be missed and remembered every day by his many, many friends," they said. Actress Kellie Williams -- Laura Winslow on the series -- described White as a consummate professional actor. "Everyone adored him," she said. "We have all lost a dear, dear brother," said Reginald VelJohnson, who played Carl Winslow. White, an only child, is survived by "cousins, aunts, uncles, and wonderful friends," Bickley said.
now, if this is a lie, this a waaaaaaaaaaay too elaborate of a scam to circulate. NOT COOL! and i hope whoever made this up gets the pants sued off of them. if it is true, then it is a very sad and tragic occurrence and i am sorry to hear it.
Lastly, i'm sure we all "heard" about the Houston rapper who allegedly infected a woman with HIV and was sued for $25 million. THEN it is being rumored that Slim Thug is going around to radio stations and appearances showing people his HIV test results so as to dispel ANY notions that he could be the rapper in question...OK-TOO MUCH!!!!
now, i have NO idea who it could be, but the waving around of test results just looks hella shady to me. i mean, even if people are thinking it's him, so what!?!?! half the stuff we hear isn't accurate anyways. but to carry around a piece of paper to show people is hmmmmmmmm, weird.
for all we know, your boy, lil' stomachache coulda made that up on his computer or something. is it really that deep? i mean, i don't know about ya'll but i carry all medical test results, report cards from grades K thru college, and my cat's birth certificate around in my purse each and every day...don't you? god forbid someone challenge me on the validity of these items and i not be able to prove i'm telling the truth!!!!!
some celebs and celeb hounds REALLY and truly need to GET A LIFE and cut all of this mess out. i must admit tho, it really cracks me up, but DANG! they're still people too. they have regular bald babies, have completely false stories made up and are whores just like regular folks. nonetheless, thanks for the laughs!!!!!
I feel you on Brangelina's babe. Its a baby girl. They are born all the time. Gety over it and don't pat $4 mil for some supposedly exclusive pix!!! On E! News, Baby Shi also had an outfit where the shirt was $80 and the pants were $60...rockin republic or something?? I tried not to pay too much attn cause what??? Babies are born all the time!
I'm so mad at the Urkel rumor. So mad! And Slim Thug. You dimwit oversized person...no comment.
my spelling is horrendous! i'm hungry. please excuse LOL
That whole Brad/Angelina thing is old and I wish people will move on to the next celeb couple now that the baby is born!
I really hope Urk is still alive!
I never cared for Slim Thug so I don't really care if he got HIV or not...
I think Shiloh is a beautiful name...yall didn't know Brad and Angelina could make an African American baby did yall...lawd help them...
NOT STEVE....I can't lie I had a crush on Stephan Ur'kel...lol.
Slim Thug...NEXT
I've heard the Urk thing was fake. I haven't seen or read about it in the news so I dunno.
And I'm about sick of celebrity babies. Tom & Katie had me wanting to throw up. But this Brangelina thing is pushing me over the edge. ...
Speaking of which, I heard that the baby might not be Brad's. Things that make you go hmmmm... I bet Jennifer A. is laffin it up real good at that. Angelina the homewrecker may not know who her baby's daddy is...
awe dang it. is that me feeding into the hype???
stacie, ladynay, sue & jennay-ya'll have me DYING over here...ROFLMBO!!!!!!!!!
I'm tired of Braneglina too. All this hype over a baby. Babies are born every damn day. Guess the media is over Tom and Kat till the pics of their baby come out.
Slim Thug look like he's walking around with something.
Weird. You and I both posted about how tiyad we are with Brad and Angelina's baby. Now maybe the papparazi (sp?) will get the hint that most people dont give a shit about them. Take that boring ish THAT-A-WAY *pointing to the left*
Urkel isnt dead. I've heard that too. He prolly made that rumor up about himself so he can get back in the limelight again. His PR person deserves a high five for that one.
Oh and Slim Thug? *yawn*
i carry three forms of id, proof of insurance, my blood donor card, my passport and proof of residence at all times. you never know when you may need to bail someone out of jail or skip the country.
Speaking of Celebrities. Few of them have affected my life the way Jaleel White. Yep, for a couple of years everybody thought I was Urkel! I have big eyes and I have to admit back in 95' I was skinny and my voice was pretty high pitched. The glasses did not help either. The odd thing is this started in Paris, France where I used to live and carried over even when I moved to Texas in 98'...
Anyway, I hope he is still alive. If this college thing does not work out, at least I can work as a stunt double.
southern gal-now you KNOW tom cruise & that girl ain't even have no baby!
sylvia-well, let me head back over to your place......
jameil-ok, miss proper!
damon z-dang! kids are so cruel...but stunt doubles make some nice change. look into that-LOL!!
For some reason I scanned the comments (which I never do) before I posted. All I can say is wow to sylvia's assertion that his PR person is drumming up publicity.
I love the Brangelina hype. People's curiosity is so high for nonsensical stuff like baby pics that I'm sure the mag made every penny back.
Slim Thug sounds a little bit off.
That shit about Slim Thug is a trip. If the papers are true, that was past information. His ass could still be infected.
The bottom line is the hoes on his jock will give it to him the skins raw & I don't see him saying no.
Ho's need to start having self respect & kept that stank safe.
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